One of the main things people do not know (or forget) when talking about ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs is that Sheldon offered these on a scale, meaning that it is not expected an individual fit perfectly within a given body type.
I will also include diet information that speaks in generalities but will offer some basic insight into what may work best for that somatotype. I am going to walk you through each of somatotype (male body type) and give you detailed information regarding each physique. These three body types are ectomorphs, mesomorphs and endomorphs. In 1954, Sheldon’s book was published, Atlas of Men, where he offered his three male body types to the world. While there has always been a great deal of disagreement about a so called “link” between a person’s build and their personality, Sheldon did offer a fairly good blue-print that is useful to weight-lifters, body builders and dudes like you who go to the gym. Sheldon was an American Psychologist who suggested a connection between the male body type and his psychological temperament. The concept of somatotypes (body types) was developed by William H.